This Southern Nightgown is a rare book if you have her in good condition because the print run was damaged and never printed again, and put the entire book in hiatus and now you have a chance to get a copy of Jp Roth's classic.
I drew this one on a Monopoly box because I went to visit Jp back b4 we were dating, and I can draw anywhere so I did this one the road on a box on a chair. Good times
The Print comes on 11x17, 100 pound semi-gloss cover stock paper
Art by me: Eric "e.Bas" Basaldua
Please allow at least 3 MONTHS for shipping, all prints are made out of state and "then" shipped to me to sign, wrap, sort, print, label, roll and mail out "myself" on top of my art chores
Thanks and GO ASS!!!!
Southern Nightgown 2 Rose Topless (11x17 print)
Please allow up to 2 MONTHS for shipping, all prints are made out of state and "then" shipped to me to sign, wrap, sort and mail out "myself" on top of my art chores
Thanks and GO ASS!!!!