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I've been dying to get colors on this Death piece that I drew a bit ago, even though it is a risk, not sure if it will sell vs a topless or full nude piece, but I trust you all have fine taste and can appreciate the story telling on this. 


The see-through umbrella is just stunning thanks to Nei. as well as the rain, even the purple shadows on her face and shoulder is stunning. I hope you like as much as I do


GO ASS!!! 


The Print comes on 11x17, 100 pound semi-gloss cover stock paper 

Art by me: Eric "e.Bas" Basaldua 


GO ASS!!! 



Please allow at least 3 MONTHS for shipping, all prints are made out of state and "then" shipped to me to sign, wrap, sort, print, label, roll and mail out "myself" on top of my art chores


Thanks and GO ASS!!!! 




Death Reigns (11x17 print)

SKU: DeathReignsNei
  • Please allow up to 2 MONTHS for shipping, all prints are made out of state and "then" shipped to me to sign, wrap, sort and mail out "myself" on top of my art chores


    Thanks and GO ASS!!!! 

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