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Harley comes very natural for me to draw and I often start a random figure or head and it turns into Harley. Her personality also helps because she smiles more than any other character, so happy pieces also turn into Harley. 


The RED water color was an after thought and I like the end result. I didnt want to add too much color other wise the face would get lost. I'm also happy she isn't topless for a change


GO ASS!!! 


The Print comes on 11x17, 100 pound semi-gloss cover stock paper 

Art by me: Eric "e.Bas" Basaldua 


GO ASS!!! 



Please allow at least ONE MONTH for shipping, all prints are made out of state and "then" shipped to me to sign, wrap, sort, print, label, roll and mail out "myself" on top of my art chores


Thanks and GO ASS!!!! 




Harley RED pencils (11x17 print) color

SKU: HarleyRedPencil
  • Please allow up to ONE MONTH for shipping, all prints are made out of state and "then" shipped to me to sign, wrap, sort and mail out "myself" on top of my art chores


    Thanks and GO ASS!!!! 

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