I've been wanting to drop this as a completed and colored image for a long long time, and it's finally here and I love it. Nei's colors on this defines how I had envisioned her in my minds eye. With her in nature with the Sun sitting high shining brightly, bouncing off of her skin with her striking crimson hair as the cherry on top.
This piece was meant to feel alive with her babies moving about her like children do to their mother, and even the grass has movement.
Don't be surprised if this becomes a cover.
The Print comes on 11x17, 100 pound semi-gloss cover stock paper
Art by me: Eric "e.Bas" Basaldua
Please allow at least 3 MONTHS for shipping, all prints are made out of state and "then" shipped to me to sign, wrap, sort, print, label, roll and mail out "myself" on top of my art chores
Thanks and GO ASS!!!!
Poison Ivy GO ASS colors (11x17 print)
Please allow up to 2 MONTHS for shipping, all prints are made out of state and "then" shipped to me to sign, wrap, sort and mail out "myself" on top of my art chores
Thanks and GO ASS!!!!