I've been wanting to draw this Wonder Woman pose for a long time and Im so glad I finally got to use it. I thought it was a wash because who would ever want a piece like this over a sexy pin up girl and Im glad there are a few people out there that can still appreciate my artistry. I grew up on super heroes and action poses is the crux of it all, so this was an absolute joy to draw
It was a struggle because I didn't have a photo to use so fitting the head onto her shoulders was a challenge and the tilt of her head didn't help ; ) but always worth it in the end.
Please allow at least ONE MONTH for shipping, all prints are made out of state and "then" shipped to me to sign, wrap, sort, print, label, roll and mail out "myself" on top of my art chores
Thanks and GO ASS!!!!
Wonder Woman Lasso lunge (11x17 print)
Please allow up to ONE MONTH for shipping, all prints are made out of state and "then" shipped to me to sign, wrap, sort and mail out "myself" on top of my art chores
Thanks and GO ASS!!!!